Photos by A. M. Korn

The short trip

It had been sev­er­al years since I last vis­it­ed the Unit­ed King­dom. The land­scape and the British pen­chant for appre­ci­at­ing and pre­serv­ing the time-hon­ored had already inspired me back then. Green­ery as far as the eye can see, archi­tec­ture as if time had stood still – there real­ly is no short­age of reward­ing pho­to opportunities.

So I took my birth­day week as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to go on a short trip. But it was­n’t just pho­tog­ra­phy that I had planned to do. A rental car was my means of trans­porta­tion of choice, and so I had to face the chal­lenge of dri­ving on the left. As chance would have it, two con­certs by esteemed artists coin­cid­ed with this week and my great enthu­si­asm for the music of a singer-song­writer from the late 60s and ear­ly 70s and the desire to vis­it his home­town result­ed in a mul­ti-faceted five-day tour.

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