

After the hotel in Agra, to which Ahmed brought me, did not deserve any praise either, mea­sured by the price, I went in search of it myself for the two nights in Jaipur. I was lucky and found a small guest­house with an upscale stan­dard in a qui­et area. It was good to be allowed to escape the always noisy and live­ly Indi­an hus­tle and bus­tle and road traf­fic a lit­tle bit and so I enjoyed it very much to be relaxed in the moon­light on the ter­race just there and let the thoughts drift.

Now arrived in Rajasthan, this was the begin­ning of encoun­ters with much time-hon­ored archi­tec­tur­al beau­ty of the for­mer prince­ly king­dom. Besides the city palace and well-known land­marks, many a nook and cran­ny of the old city was excit­ing and remark­able and the cam­era was hard­ly left in the bag.

It took some effort to reach the Amber Fort and fur­ther still the fortress of Jagarh on foot, but I did not want to sup­port the ani­mal cru­el­ty with the ele­phants. The wind­ing palace with count­less pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ties and the breath­tak­ing view of the land­scape fur­ther up, com­pen­sat­ed for all drops of sweat, which flowed inex­orably at 30 degrees and sunshine.

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