

The land­scape became more bar­ren and the roads bad. The 400 kilo­me­ters from Puh­skar to Jail­salmer would be too far to com­plete in one trip, Ahmed said, and he did­n’t want to dri­ve in the dark. At night, the roads belong to the truck dri­vers. That would be far too dan­ger­ous for every­one else. He will have been right. On Indi­an roads, the law of the jun­gle pre­vails and no car wants to mess with a rick­ety truck and its tired driver.

So a desert­ed resort near Kihchan was the stopover on the way to Jaisalmer. The area is noto­ri­ous for the cranes that rest here and are also fed by the inhab­i­tants. Although I am a nature lover, this did not excite me much, since I myself come from a region where the cranes rest every autumn. So I just enjoyed the peace and the rel­a­tive­ly lux­u­ri­ous accommodation.

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