

With the steer­ing wheel on the wrong side, things real­ly got going as soon as I land­ed at the air­port. What does­n’t kill you will get you fur­ther or not. Shift­ing gears, so to speak, in the pas­sen­ger seat caused few prob­lems, but enter­ing and exit­ing this huge city of Lon­don did. As a result, the arrival time at my accom­mo­da­tion pre­dict­ed by the nav­i­ga­tion sys­tem turned out to be noth­ing at all. Many detours also lead through Lon­don – I was in no hur­ry. The real­ly seri­ous chal­lenge only became appar­ent in the dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed res­i­den­tial areas: The lack of one-way streets and vehi­cles parked on both sides made it tight for oncom­ing vehi­cles – very tight – and since, as a new­bie in the pas­sen­ger seat”, I lacked my usu­al sense of vehi­cle dimen­sions to the left and right, some­times the only thing that helped was (it felt like) clos­ing my eyes and dri­ving through.

I final­ly reached my des­ti­na­tion late, but well. The next day, I just want­ed to dri­ve around and get used to the traf­fic. I fol­lowed my nose out of the city, head­ing north­west to get a taste of the coun­try air. In the end, I end­ed up in Mal­don on the Riv­er Black­riv­er for fish and chips.

The first con­cert was sched­uled for the evening: Michael Kiwanu­ka at Alexan­dra Palace, an unex­pect­ed­ly large, time-hon­ored venue that was more than impres­sive from an archi­tec­tur­al point of view. Sit­u­at­ed on a hill, the mag­nif­i­cent view over the whole of Lon­don was also inspir­ing, which is why I went there again the next morn­ing for pho­tos before con­tin­u­ing my jour­ney. A very worth­while decision.

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