

I mas­tered the onward jour­ney by short-haul flight with­out any prob­lems. Around noon in Udaipur I flew off and 40 min­utes lat­er I was in Mum­bai, where the com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent, trop­i­cal cli­mate real­ly sur­prised me. Unbear­able heat cou­pled with a sul­tri­ness that I had nev­er expe­ri­enced before. It took sec­onds and I was soak­ing wet with sweat. For­tu­nate­ly, the cold was almost gone and only the cab dri­ver who brought me from the air­port to the hotel, spoiled my mood a lit­tle. In addi­tion to the usu­al attempts to rec­om­mend” a hotel to me, he also talked about park­ing fees and tolls on the way. At some point, this became too much for me. I got loud and he got qui­et after that, where­upon he briskly took me to my hotel.

Although there was a lot to see, I did­n’t want to stay long in Mum­bai, because the beach (Goa) was call­ing. The unbear­able cli­mate in Mum­bai sup­port­ed me in this inten­tion. Nev­er­the­less, I com­plet­ed in the two days an exten­sive boat trip to an island and a real­ly big city walk over a proud 12 kilometers.

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