
The dis­tance from Mum­bai to Goa is actu­al­ly not that far. Nev­er­the­less, it should take 8 or 9 hours by train. It became with delays say and write 13h from it and in the end it was unbear­ably bor­ing even in sec­ond class with­out lack of space.

I was com­pen­sat­ed by a per­fect pick-up ser­vice from the train and a real­ly pic­turesque accom­mo­da­tion in North Goa, whose own­er even had a Ger­man ori­gin. Every­thing was clean and well orga­nized and I was at the sea and a wide, almost desert­ed beach in two min­utes. It was still pre-sea­son and the tourist hus­tle and bus­tle was kept with­in lim­its. So I could leave all the hus­tle and bus­tle and the exhaust­ing city tourism behind me won­der­ful­ly and quick­ly, as planned.

I want­ed to stay longer in Goa and so I drove in the com­ing days the beach­es with the scoot­er. First in the north and lat­er in the south. I spent sin­gle days here and there on the beach and three nights in Palolem Beach, with dai­ly rav­ish­ing sun­sets and fresh­ly grilled fish. Agon­da Beach is where I end­ed up stay­ing the longest. In con­trast to Palolem, the large bay was won­der­ful­ly emp­ty and qui­et. Here I real­ly came to rest and just enjoyed the sun and the sea.

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